Crazy, that we humans kill even rivers. How utterly sad.

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Yes, but the good news is that we can bring them back again, at least part of the way!

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Sep 15Liked by George Dillard

Have lived in London all my 56 years and though of course familiar with the Fleet river, didn’t know it’s source was at Hampstead Ponds. Great post, George. Fascinating as ever.

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Sep 9Liked by George Dillard

My dream for Baltimore is to free the Jones Falls river and dismantle I-83 south of North Avenue and instead connect 83 to 95 via MLK. Above North Avenue the valley is too deep and you might as well just bury the river, but below that you could have a great urban parkway like Seoul.

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It's wild how many highways, like Jones Falls Expressway, are named after the bodies of water they replaced. It seems extra cruel somehow to give the name to the road as well...

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Wonderful piece George. You might be interested in this article about bringing the Sheaf back in Sheffield: https://open.substack.com/pub/thetribune/p/putting-the-sheaf-back-into-sheffield?r=22ncto&utm_medium=ios

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Thanks, that's a great project in Sheffield! When I started looking into the subject I was surprised at how many cities had hidden rivers, and pleased at how many of them were trying to daylight then.

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